
driv·ing adj. 1. Energetic or active: a driving personality. Synonyms: impulsive, dynamic, energetic Can a drive to achieve success be a negative?  I guess it depends on the definition of that success.  I don’t believe that the drive itself is negative in any...

Can a bridal retailer use a VA?

Many owners of smaller bridal shops may not even realize that a virtual employee is a possibility.  It may never have crossed their minds that outsourcing their administrative, marketing or accounting needs could save them time, energy, and creative juices. The...


e·go·cen·tric adj 1. regarding everything only in relation to oneself; self-centered; selfish Synonyms: resolute, firm, dogged, fixed, constant, bold, intent, persistent, relentless, stalwart, persevering, single-minded, purposeful, tenacious, undaunted,...


determined adj of unwavering mind; resolute; firm determinedly adv determinedness n Synonyms: resolute, firm, dogged, fixed, constant, bold, intent, persistent, relentless, stalwart, persevering, single-minded, purposeful, tenacious, undaunted, strong-willed,...


de·ci·sive adj. 1. Having the power to decide; conclusive. 2. Characterized by decision and firmness; resolute. 3. Beyond doubt; unmistakable: a decisive defeat. Synonyms: decisive, conclusive, crucial, definitive, determinative It’s good to be decisive.  It is...