by Amy Hood | Planning, Work Thoughts
As a part of my Faith-Filled Annual Planning Experience, I have a pre-planning day. It’s scheduled for November, but because I am sharing my planning space with people in my Faith-Filled Annual Planning Experience this year, I have been reviewing things and...
by Amy Hood | My World, Work Thoughts
Three years ago I was contemplating leaving my VA practice and going back to work in the corporate world. Being raised to never talk about myself in a too positive a light made marketing tough. Really tough. How do you get through a call with anyone explaining how...
by Amy Hood | Skills, Work Thoughts
I seem to be talking more and more about soft skills and community. Two weeks ago I shared why I choose AssistU (yes, that is active: choose). Choosing a strong, like-minded community and then participating within it are soft skills I am proud to have. Building my...