by Amy Hood | Remembering, Work Thoughts
Originally called ‘Decoration Day,’ our United States Memorial Day serves as a day of remembrance of the military service members who died in defense of freedom. The entire month of May is filled with days of remembrance and honor of those who serve and...
by Amy Hood | My World, Work Thoughts
Welcome to National Military Appreciation Month. Will you join me in supporting and honoring those who serve? Every year U.S. citizens are encouraged to observe the month of May in a symbol of unity, to honor the current and former members of the U.S. Armed Forces,...
by Amy Hood | My World, Work Thoughts
Earlier this month I managed a five-day client event in St. Lucia. I know. Right? The sun was warm (okay, hot), the salt air was (as always) amazing, and I found time to pray and get quiet with God, even though I was extremely busy at work during each of the days and...
by Amy Hood | My World, Work Thoughts
In January, for AssistU’s UVA Book Club, we read Start: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average and Do Work that Matters by Jon Acuff. I really enjoyed it and wanted to share it with you. I actually listened to Jon Acuff read it, on Audible, which added to the...
by Amy Hood | My World, Work Thoughts
I am working hard on balance. A challenge to say the least. I am actually using 2 coaching processes right now, diligently, to build it into my day-to-day life. I seem to let myself be the first thing to slide. It appears that despite the increased number of female...
by Amy Hood | Skills, Work Thoughts
So… I have this process with my calendar. Well, If I am honest, I have many processes with my calendarS (yes, plural), but I have this main one that I will talk about now. Before I do, I want to say a few things about calendaring. I learned part of my current way of...