As a part of my Faith-Filled Annual Planning Experience, I have a pre-planning day. It’s scheduled for November, but because I am sharing my planning space with people in my Faith-Filled Annual Planning Experience this year, I have been reviewing things and sharing them here a little early.
During my pre-planning day in November, I take inventory. Not as in physical inventory, more of an emotional, spiritual, mental inventory.
The inventory helps me determine where I am and where I am headed, and what adjustments I might need before planning my new year.
I have a specific set of questions that I use. They are in my Faith-Filled Annual Planning Kit. These questions are tailored to my life intentions and help me review alignment. When I find the answers to this inventory, I will evaluate alignment, and adjust course for 2015. I answer them in long hand, and then I type them up and place them in my binder so that I have them for future review. I also use the answers to the questions to help me write my letter to 2014.
Here are a few of the questions I answer:
- Have I moved closer to or further away from my life intentions? Why?
- What 2014 short-term intentions were achieved?
- What 2014 short-term intentions were left unattained? Why?
And, so it goes with pre-planning. These steps set the stage for the Faith-Filled Annual Planning Virtual Event I host on December 5, where I focus on the short-term intentions for 2015 and building a plan for my life and business. If you still want to join me for planning, registration ends this week. Visit my Faith-Filled Annual Planning Experience page for more information.
Do you have a process for reviewing your year before planning your new one?